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Martial Activities
MiC: Lady Taisiia Volodemerna
Inspections and Auths/pick ups
Novice or Youth tournament depending on participants.
Bring your A game
With the Crown doing their tournament of bringing your A game, here's the perfect chance to practice! Any authorized weapon against any opponent. Round robin
Noon - 2
Coaches Corner
Free sparring with OBR/MOD watching and offering coaching advice (more info to come)
Arcade Tournament
Once you defeat an opponent, you can collect the number of raffle tickets the opponent is worth.
Tickets can be traded in for prizes.
*One pass. Please don’t fight the same opponent back to back
Objective: fight opponents to earn tokens. Used tokens to buy prices.
Each fighter is assigned a number of points based on their Highest awards.
No Award or AoA: 1pt.
Cav Knot: 2pt.
Bronze Ring: 3pt.
Master of Defence: 4 points.
Royal Peer and/or landed or landless Baron or Baroness: 5pt
Please don’t fight the same opponent back to back
You shall have one pass with your opponent. Once you defeat an opponent, you can collect the number of tokens the opponent is worth from whomever has the tokens (person of the list usually)
Tokens can be traded in for prizes.
Please do not combine your tokens with a friend for prizes.
You can fight a friend for their collection of tokens if it is mutually agreed upon.
Grand Prize Raffle: if there is a grand prize. To enter the raffle, pay one token per ticket. Drawing should happen at court. not there for court? no prize for you
list closes
MiC: Sir Farthegn
The list will be open for Inspection, Authorizations and Pick Up.
Novice Tourney
To qualify you must have been authorized 5 years or less, have not won a tournament in that time and must not have a kingdom level fighting award. -Style of tournament will be determined by the number of participants.
Lunch Break. List will be open for pick ups and or authorizations.
Ribbon Tournament
Combatants will start with 5 ribbons
Pick fights as the like. The bouts can be any term that the participants agree on. Examples include, matched weapons, best of 3, no thrusts etc.
The winner of each bout will receive a ribbon from their opponent.
Additional ribbons can be gained by the giving of a donation to The Marche of Alderford at the rate of 4 ribbons per $1.00
The combatant with the most ribbons after 1 hour will be the victor.
Should one choose to buy their victory then they shall be announced as The Victor by Largess and the combatant with the most wins will be The victor by Right of Arms.
1:30-2:00 Break-List is open for pick ups and or authorizations.
Tournament of the Golden Sword
This tournament is to determine the next bearer of The Sword of Brendoken.
All are welcome to participate but to be the sword bearer must be a citizen of Brendoken.
This tournament has the potential for 2 victors. The overall victor and the sword bearer.
The sword bearer will be determined by Their Excellencies
This tournament will be run in the fashion of a Crown Tournament.
It will be double elimination.
The finals will be best 2 out of 3 with previous defeats forgiven.
The first 2 passes of the finals will be matched styles with the junior combatant picking first. If a third pass is required then it shall be bring your best.
Participants will be heralded in and shall process in with their consort or inspiration for the day.
3:00-4:00 List will be open for pick ups and Authorizations
List Closes at 4:00
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