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General A&S

Class Previews
Schedule TBD

Class submissions are still being accepted.
Please contact Mistress Francesca de Onorati at

General Classes

Unsolved Mysteries of the Middle Ages by Baroness Catriona nicHugh Mclaey, O.P.

Did Marco Polo actually travel to Cathay? Who IS buried at Glastonbury? There was a pregnant Pope? And, just when was the Cerne Abbas Giant carved into the side of a hill? This is a lighthearted look at the hoaxes, conundrums, and mysteries from and about the Middle Ages. 


Leap into Spring by Baroness Catriona nicHugh Mclaey, O.P.

How did the people in the Middle Ages prepare for Spring? When the sap rose in the surrounding trees, what changes were happening in the castle and for the common folk?


Opening Up a Can of Worms: Research in the SCA by THL Rosie Dubroc

Does research and documentation seem overwhelming? Are you interested in doing an A&S project but don't know where to start? This class will teach you how to find, evaluate, and document the sources you need to research and complete an A&S project in any category.


Commonplace Books Past and Present by THL Rosie Dubroc

Commonplace books have been used since antiquity as an organized way to save and compile knowledge. They take many forms and serve many purposes. This class will provide a brief history of the commonplace book and then provide information on how to use modern technology and a variety of apps to create your own digital commonplace book. This class also draws heavily on Tiago Forte’s book “Building a Second Brain.”


SuZhou Embroidery by Baron Edward Brackenburye, O.L.

 Chinese double-sided embroidery for beginners – A short look at the history of this style. This will be a hands-on class. Each student will take away a small project to work on and explore. Limit to 8 – 10 students.


Making Wire-Wrapped Rings by THL Jolicia atte Northclyfe

Learn how to make beautiful wire-wrapped rings using a quick and easy-to-learn method. Keep them for yourself or give them away as tokens. Wire, beads and a limited number of ring mandrels will be provided. Bring your own ring mandrel if you have one. Suitable for ages 12 and up. $2 fee covers materials and handout. 


Creating your Heraldry through your Persona by Lady Gisla Völva Hrefnudottir

How to create a device and badge that says who you are through your persona. Don’t have a persona? I will show you how to build a persona based on who, what, when and how. Who do you want to be? What did you do? When did you live and how do you show that on your Heraldic device and badge?


Introduction to Wire Working by Lord Robert the Old

We will be fabricating lacing eyes and introducing other wire working techniques. Limit 6 per class


Combat Archery - Death from Afar and Arrow Building with SGT. Algar Irenhande


Drafting a Tunic from Measurements by THL Katherine Coscombe

 Learn how to create a tunic or kirtle based on your measurements using simple geometric shapes.  We'll take measurements and show how to plug them into a cutting diagram.  Handout limit 15.


Patterning a Simple Turnshoe by Lord Thorgrimr Thorgrimsson  

Are you daunted at the prospect of completing your garb by making a pair of period shoes? Well fear no more! In this class, I'll walk you through the steps of creating your very own pattern for a plausibly period pair of simple turn shoes. NOTE: Students should bring a pair of insoles if they plan to wear them with the turn shoes. A sheet of 1/4-in EVA foam maybe substituted. A roll of masking tape would be helpful as well but is not necessary. Students will leave class with a workable pattern for turn shoes. Class size – 20.

Martial Classes
Bardic Classes

“This is the recognized web site for the Marche of Alderford of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.'s event, Masque of Courtly Love and is maintained by Deirdre MakKyneth. This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version. For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this web site, please contact the Webminister at He or she will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors. Copyright © 2025 Marche of Alderford. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.”

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